
How To Grow Vegetable Garden In Oklahoma

February is a very busy month for those who are gardening! Even though it may feel really cold out (and if you're like us you have snow on the ground!!), there's still quite a bit that you can do this month! Our free iOS and Android app makes it simple for you to see what you can grow right now in your area! Check out the filter for "can be planted" and it will show you everything you can get started growing today!

Greens are one of our favorite things to grow! Growing these really helps encourage us to stay eating healthy because we always have food right in our backyard! February is when we are getting a lot of our greens started. Some of our favorites include spinach, swiss chard, kale, and collard greens. Lettuce is another cool-season green we grow a lot of, but doesn't handle the cold quite as well. We usually start planting lettuce at the end of February as the nights warm up a bit. These greens are all packed full of nutrition and help with a variety of health issues. Check out our app to see the many health benefits that come from eating these healthy plants! You can even filter down by health benefit to see what plants help with certain conditions!

February is also a great time for planting onions! We generally buy packs of transplants from the nursery and plant these onions around our raised beds. Use a pencil or stick to poke a shallow hole in the dirt and drop the onion in. Keep them well-watered for a few weeks and they'll produce full-sized bulbs by June!

This month, we're busy planning out our spring garden and planting seeds indoors in our indoor grow area! We have a section in our office just for our baby plants that we have under shop lights until the weather is right for them to be transplanted outdoors. We'll be planting broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower indoors this month. These plants are usually started indoors because our window of opportunity for optimum growing temperatures is pretty short here in Oklahoma. Some varieties can have a growing season of up to 4 months and our temperatures get too hot before they're able to produce.

It can be easy to start your own plants indoors! We created a DIY grow rack seed starting system in our office that allows us to start up to 1,152 seeds at a time for less than $100! We've saved so much money with this setup! Instead of having to buy transplants from a nursery, we're creating and growing our own transplants and picking our own varieties. Check out our video on our YouTube channel for details on how you can build this!

We'll also start planning ahead and start shopping for seeds for our tomatoes and peppers! Don't forget you can use our free iOS and Android app to shop from over 1500 varieties from Burpee. We'll help you filter their huge list of seeds down to the varieties you care about and we'll guide you through growing your own food From Seed to Spoon!

How To Grow Vegetable Garden In Oklahoma


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