
Windows Store For Windows 8: Your Questions Answered - simpsonderignatim

As Microsoft readies the unveiling of Windows 8 of import code for February it's sharing more about one of the biggest additions to the upcoming operating system, a steel new app store. Microsoft is calling it Windows Store and information technology will feature what are called Metro-style apps designed for both Windows 8 tablets, laptops, and desktop PCs. Metro-style apps are primarily for managing photos, entertainment, social networking, and messaging on Windows 8 devices.

The Windows Store, Microsoft said Tuesday, will be the only way for consumers to purchase and set up Windows 8 Metro-style apps.

Put differently, Microsoft will take complete control terminated what you can put on your PC when using apps in the new touch-social Tube interface. This is a spectacular departure from Microsoft's previously more undefendable school of thought that let anyone download to their PC any software they wanted from any source they wanted.

Microsoft is making this variety to ensure Metro-panach apps are best shielded from malware, bugs and separate veritable PC problems. The end result, still, is that you must rely on Microsoft's judgment about which apps are and are non appropriate when victimization Metro-vogue apps. But in a nod to Microsoft's past, traditional PC software applications for Windows will still be available from third parties in the same way they are available today for Windows 7.

Microsoft's new app store testament embody similar to Apple's Mac App Store launched in January and available for OS X 10.6 Panthera uncia and 10.7 Lion. Although Apple still allows users to download Mac apps from outer sources. Here's what you need to know about Microsoft's Metro-style walled garden inside Windows 8.

Present's what you need to know about Microsoft's Metro-style walled garden inside Windows 8.

When Bequeath The Windows Store Be Available?

Microsoft plans to ship the forward version of the Windows Store with the public of import release of Windows 8 in late February. Microsoft had previously been cagey about when the Windows 8 explorative was approach.

During the beta period only if free apps will be available in the Windows Store. Microsoft plans to roll its app defrayment platform at a advanced date.

Which Apps Will Be Available At Launch?

Microsoft didn't offer many inside information about apps saying only a select numeral of developers have been invited to offer apps during the Windows 8 beta period. Along Tuesday at a Microsoft event announcing the Windows Store, the company demoed Metro-way apps such arsenic Evernote, eBay, Cut The Rope (a popular mobile game by ZeptoLabs), and appendage books from Disney. Information technology's a ample bet that at least some of these apps will be part of the Windows Depot during the Windows 8 beta.

The software behemoth is also working a developer competition that volition invest eight apps from littler app makers in the Windows Store during the beta menstruum.

How Much Leave Apps Price?

The Windows Store leave let in free, and square apps starting at $1.49.

Bequeath At that place Be Trial Versions Of Apps?

Yes. Microsoft will give up app trials in its store. Developers backside put off trials to be time-based such atomic number 3 a 7-24-hour interval trial period of time. App makers can also offer a feature-based trial that limits the app's functionality until you upgrade to the paid interpretation.

Will The Windows Store Have In-App Purchases And Subscriptions?

Yes. Simply unlike Malus pumila's iOS store, Microsoft will admit app makers to use their ain payment platforms if they favour. Thus newspapers could trade subscriptions using their own defrayment systems without going through Microsoft.

Windows Store For Windows 8: Your Questions Answered

How Testament The Windows Store Exist Organized?

Microsoft says the Windows Store is "designed for find." Put differently, the company claims it will be easy to feel the apps you want in its app stock. But the Windows Stock doesn't appear to be organized every that differently from other app stores.

The Windows Fund will let you browse apps away category, ranked lists, editorial curation and search. Windows Store app lists will include latest apps, all but popular apps, and blistering improving. You volition also see personalized recommendations for apps based along your download history.

Is The Windows Store Web Based?

No, the Windows Store is a Metro-style app inside Windows 8; however, Microsoft volition offer a web-settled catalog of Windows Lay in apps for web browse. Presently dubbed Windows Stock Trailer, the web variant leave be indexed by search engines, and display a dead catalog of apps. Clicking on a link from search results wish bring you to the online app catalog. If you are working Windows 8, you will then see a button prompting you to open the Windows Store app to set u the program.

App developers can also add a line of code to their sites that wish create a "Flummox the app" button inside Internet Explorer 10 that links directly to the Windows Store. IT's not authorize if unusual browser will be healthy to display these golf links. Apple offers similar golf links that vulnerable the iTunes diligence in Windows or Mac, but these links work in most all John R. Major browsers.

Microsoft's Windows Store sounds promising for the software giant and is prospective to convince many developers to create Metro-style apps for Windows 8. Non only is Windows the largest consumer software program in the world, but Microsoft as wel plans to offer developers an 80 percent cut of app revenue after their app makes $25,000. Most app stores including Apple's App Computer memory and Google's Android Grocery store fling developers a 70 percent cut of app gross revenue.

Connect with Ian Paul (@ianpaul ) and Today@PCWorld along Twitter for the latest tech news and analysis.


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