
Squadron 51 is a side-scrolling Xbox shoot 'em up with 1950s sci-fi flair

Love former-school shmups? And so yous'll desire to put this on your radar. Assemble Entertainment is building a UFO-blasting shmup with some 1950s flair, inspired past old-school sci-fi flicks like War of the Worlds and b-movies like Programme 9 from Outer Infinite.

You play as Lieutenant Kaya, leading an all-out assault confronting an invading alien threat. Your squadron is all that stands between earth and total anything, and yous must boxing through waves of prop-looking UFOs, consummate with some total live-action cutscenes that would make Ed Wood proud. Gather Entertainment CEO Stefan Marcinek had this to say about Squadron 51 in a press release sent to usa earlier today.

"Nosotros're huge fans of archetype sci-fi horror and we jumped at the opportunity to co-publish Squadron 51 with our partner WhisperGames. Squadron 51 has found a loving home among Assemble Amusement's other award-winning titles known for their charming eccentricity. Fans of all genres will appreciate this delightfully original SHMUP."

The game sports eleven different biomes, from mountain ranges to cities under siege, with customizable difficulty and local co-op.

In that location's no launch appointment listed as of writing, but the game is coming out sometime in 2022 according to Steam, and in addition to PC, it will hit Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch. Keep watching the skies, friends.


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